Renown Auto Restoration Blog

View our latest projects and find out whats going on at Renown Auto Restoration

Behind the Rust: Why Cars?

Behind the Rust: Why Cars?

If you’re a car enthusiast, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. Trying to explain the reason why we love cars can be difficult because, well let’s face it, many people don’t seem to get it. They don’t understand why we get goosebumps when we hear our favorite automobile fire up, they don’t get why we spend an entire Sunday cleaning our pride and joy or why we obsess over details as small as a scratch on a lug-nut or the perfect door panel alignment. Not everyone understands and that’s okay.

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Our New Website is Live!

Renown Auto Restoration has a just launched our new website. The new platform will allow more communication and feed back between our staff and you the customer. Now you can stay up to date on the latest progress of the projects we have going on. Looking through the pictures of the project builds will give you an idea of the quality and detail our professional team puts into every build and may give you an idea of what you want done on your next restoration project. Our blog will keep you updated on all the latest new going on at the shop. It will also direct you to some of the industry an car culture events going on in the area.

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Updated Blog Coming Soon!

Updated Blog Coming Soon!

The blog is currently under construction. Check back for our news, projects and events.

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Facebook Functionality!

Our new site allows us to post news, offers and the progress of our many different projects directly to facebook! Make sure to 'like' our page (link provided on the side bar) to keep updated on all the fun..

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